Every sentence in English follows a certain pattern. There are several sentence patterns in English. A decent understanding of these structures will help you to express your ideas in several different ways.


The Subject is the agent of the sentence in the active Voice. Subject is the person or thing that does the action of the sentence, and subject normally precedes the verb.

Example :
She reads a novel everyday.
They play football at the park.
You write a story about your life on your blog.


The Verb follows the subject, it generally shows the action of the sentence.

Example :
I have eaten.
Adi has lived in Yogyakarta.
She had finished her homework.


A complement completes the verb. It is similar to the subject because it is usually a noun or noun phrase, However, it generally follows the verb when the sentence is in the active voice.
Note:Every sentence does not require a complement.

Example :
Sarijon bought a cake yesterday
·What did Sarijon buy yesterday?  –> a cake.
He saw Tony at the movie
·Whom did he see at the movie? –> Tony
I explain pharmacology to my students
·What do I explain to my students? –> pharmacology

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